Metamorphosis: an anthology of writing by Glendale Community College students
Metamorphosis: an anthology of writing by Glendale Community College students
Metamorphosis: an anthology of writing by glendale community college students is an anthology zine of creative written work sent within the context of transformation, but it’s really about hope…
“We are all hoping for change. We hope that the pandemic has come to an end. We hope for a new normal that involves seeing people, going places, and being a part of gatherings like this to celebrate art and writing. We are shaping new identities as we emerge from quarantine. Isolation has taught us that we must be open to change and welcome it because it means growth, and growth from within transforms all of us.” - Kate Martin Rowe
Metamorphosis was a collaborative publication between Alternative Field, Kate Martin Rowe, the faculty of the english division of Glendale Community College, and its students. Supported in part by a a grant from the California Arts Council. It was published with a public reading held on June 5, 2022 at Avenue 50 Studio in Highland Park, Los Angeles, CA.
Cover, layout design, printed, published by Alternative Field Notes, an imprint of Alternative Field.